Monday 18 June 2012

Fraud Prevention booklet launched

Every year the British public loses billions of pounds to 'scammers', who bombard people with online, mail, door-to-door and telephone scams.

Officers within the Metropolitan Police Service's Specialist and Economic Crime Directorate have produced a comprehensive fraud prevention booklet entitled, 'The Little Book of Big Scams'. The guide explains some of the most common scams in existence, ranging from the simple to the sophisticated and provides the reader with essential advice to reduce the chances of them being parted from their money - tips are included on how toavoid door to door scams, bank and payment card scams, mobile phone scams, internet scams as well as handy hints everyone can read to protect themselves.

The booklet is available in PDF format here

People from all backgrounds and income levels are targeted by scammers - anyone can fall victim to fraud. This booklet is primarily aimed at the elderly and vulnerable in society as they are particularly at risk; but anyone who reads it will benefit.

The Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Service was joined by Esther Rantzen and Gary Fitzgerald, (CEO of Action on Elder Abuse), to launch "The Little Book of Big Scams', on Friday 15 June to coincide with, 'World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.'

MPS Commissioner, Bernard Hogan-Howe said: "We know that the best way to fight these fraudsters is to take steps to prevent people from being caught out in the first place. That is why we have produced, 'The Little Book of Big Scams'.

"My officers have seen the devastating effects scams can have on people and their families. This comprehensive guide will go a long way in helping to reduce the number of victims of fraud and will undoubtedly make it harder for the scammers of this world to succeed. There are a number of people out there intent on conning people out of their hard earned money, so I urge people to take caution when confronted with what appears to be a deal of a lifetime, remember if it seems too good to be true, it probably is."

Journalist and TV presenter, Esther Rantzen said: "During my 40 years' career in consumer protection, I discovered that conmen and women are so ruthless they simply see honest people as "walking wallets", to be squeezed, emptied and discarded. Fraud can happen on your doorstep, by post, over the phone or via the internet. Sadly, new technology has provided scammers with even more ways of swindling trusting consumers. Thank goodness, and thanks to the police, we now have The Little Book of Big Scams to be our guardian and our guide. If you read nothing else this year, read this. It could save you a great deal of money, and heartache."

Gary Fitzgerald, CEO of Action on Elder Abuse said: "Scammers deliberately target the most vulnerable people in our society, preying on their honesty and trust, and deceiving them in the most cruel and devastating manner. But with some simple planning, outlined in this new booklet, it is possible to prevent these thieves from being successful and we therefore commend the work of the Metropolitan Police in producing it on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Working together we can end elder abuse."

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