Monday 15 April 2013

Toads in our pond Monday 15th April.

It is obvious that Spring is here at last. After months without seeing any toads or frogs the toads appeared yesterday.

Today there are an even larger numbers of male toads but just one female who is the centre of attraction from at least eight males.

Have you seen any frogs or toads in your pond? Please let us know.


  1. Hi. I live in Portland Road near to junction of Leamington Avenue.

    Whilst I don't have a pond or any type of water feature, found a large toad hiding behind my green recycling bins on Monday 15th in my back garden. After studying it for several minutes, it crawled off never to be seen again (so far Wed 17th).

    Neadless to say I take extra care putting my recycling waste out in the garden in the dark for fear of stepping on an unseen one !

    1. Someone near you must have a pond. Do avoid stepping on it as it will eat the slugs.
