LERA has over 500 members representing 80% of households on the Links Estate in the London Borough of Bromley. It was founded in 1991 as a focal point for issues affecting both the Estate and the immediate locality. LERA produces a regular Newsletter which is delivered by our Street Representatives to all our members. If you wish to comment about any of our posts you can either use the comment box at the end of each posting or email us at lerabromley26@gmail.com
Wednesday, 30 December 2015
Tuesday, 22 December 2015
Rogue trader gets well deserved prison sentence
A Faversham man has been jailed for three years after conning an 80 year old Beckenham resident out of £21,700.
Phillip Webb, aged 58, from Faversham, Kent had earlier pleaded guilty to fraud by misrepresentation after persuading the resident he needed essential repairs to the guttering on his house, which the resident agreed to have done. Further work was carried out without his permission and he was charged a total of £21,700 for work which was later valued by a Trading Standards appointed expert at £500. Webb was issued with a 5 year Criminal Behaviour Order which bans him from cold calling anywhere in England and Wales.
Trading Standards were alerted by a concerned neighbour who called the team after seeing the rapid response number advertised locally. Officers visited the victim and while they were there Webb unexpectedly turned up but ran off when he saw them. He was later arrested by police on a different matter and presented to Trading Standards for questioning.
Webb is well known to Bromley Trading Standards who have previously prosecuted him for similar offences, the most recent in 2012 when he was jailed for 8 weeks and given a 2 year ASBO banning him from trading in the borough. In 2011 he was imprisoned for 8 weeks suspended for a year for charging vulnerable residents for bogus repairs.
On sentencing the Judge said the offences “were serious and preying on elderly people rightly draws public disgust and outrage. The impact on the victim was substantial”.
A victim impact statement was read out in court by the consumer who said: “I used to take people at their face value and trusted them in what they said. I am now less confident and don’t trust people. On the last day he was here he was aggressive, and looking back I think I was a bit afraid of him”.
The Trading Standards Rapid Response Team can be contacted on 07903 852090.
If you are approached by cold callers do not engage with them. If you do then check with trading standards at the above number before letting them do any work or paying them any money. You can also contact Action Fraud at http://www.actionfraud.police.uk/ or phone them on 0300 123 2040
If you have an elderly or vulnerable neighbour who may be being scammed you should report it as happened in this case.
Saturday, 19 December 2015
Links Estate Residents’ Association
For your urgent attention –
before the New Year if you can
Dear Resident
You should be aware that following
the refusal by the Planning Inspector of the planning application to re-develop
the site occupied by Nos 87, 89, 91 and 93 Oak Tree Gardens, the developers
have now submitted a new application to Bromley Council as follows:
DC/15/05324/FULL1 Demolition
of 89 and 91 Oak Tree Gardens and erection of 7 two storey four bedroom
dwellings with accommodation in roof space on land to the rear comprising of 3
terraced dwellings and 2 pairs of semi-detached dwellings, single garage for
No. 87, associated access, parking, landscaping, cycle and refuse.
You can view the planning
application and related plans and documents on the Council’s website – www.bromley.gov.uk. Click on the Planning Applications button and
search on Oak Tree Gardens. The application
documents can be found by clicking on the 1st entry on the list.
If you wish to object to the
planning application, you must do this by TUESDAY
5th JANUARY 2016 if possible, or otherwise before TUESDAY 9th FEBRUARY when the Council is expected
to make a decision on the application.
You may register your
objection in the Comments section on the planning website – click on the 2nd
tab – or by writing to Planning Support Team, Town Planning, London Borough of
Bromley, Civic Centre, Stockwell Close, Bromley BR1 3UH, quoting the reference
number above and giving your name and address.
On behalf of its members,
LERA will be opposing the application on grounds that take account of the reasons
for the refusal of the previous application.
Further information will be
posted on LERA’s website – http://leralink.blogspot.com –
and on our Facebook page – search on Links Estate Residents Association Community
If you would like to discuss
this with a LERA representative, please contact:
Hodges Tel: 020 8851 5950 or Michelle Pike – Tel: 020 8857 0067
Tuesday, 15 December 2015
Burnt Ash Library Christmas Opening times
Will the library still be there for Christmas 2016? Why not visit and borrow a few books to encourage the Council to keep it open.
Wednesday, 9 December 2015
Parking arrangements for Christmas and New Year
If you are looking for a place to park over the festive period, please be aware that normal restrictions apply on all dates except 25 December, 28 December and 1 January. The parking arrangements for these dates are as below.
Date | Parking restrictions | On street paid for parking bays | All council operated car parks |
Christmas DayFriday 25 December 2015
| Please park considerately | Free | Free |
Bank Holiday (substitute day for Boxing Day)Monday 28 December 2015 | Normal restrictions apply | Free | Charges apply |
New Year's Day1 January 2016 | Normal restrictions apply | Free | Charges apply |
Council-operated car parks will be open throughout Christmas and the New Year as normal. Parking will be free in all council operated car parks on Christmas Day.
Please remember: Even on Bank Holidays, residential permit bays are designated only for the use of permit or visitors' voucher holders during the times indicated by the signs.
Merry Christmas!
Monday, 7 December 2015
Christmas and New Year waste and recycling collections
Here are your waste and recycling collection arrangements for the Christmas and New Year holidays.
My usual collection day | My holiday collection day |
Thursday 24 December 2015 | Collection day as normal |
Friday 25 December 2015 | Monday 28 December 2015 |
Monday 28 December 2015 | Tuesday 29 December 2015 |
Tuesday 29 December 2015 | Wednesday 30 December 2015 |
Wednesday 30 December 2015 | Thursday 31 December 2015 |
Thursday 31 December 2015 | Saturday 2 January 2016 |
Friday 1 January 2016 | Monday 4 January 2016 |
Monday 4 January 2016 | Tuesday 5 January 2016 |
Tuesday 5 January 2016 | Wednesday 6 January 2016 |
Wednesday 6 January 2016 | Thursday 7 January 2016 |
Thursday 7 January 2016 | Friday 8 January 2016 |
Friday 8 January 2016 | Saturday 9 January 2016 |
Bromley Christmas Charter Market
- Date: 10 Dec 2015 - 24 Dec 2015
- Every day
- Location: High street, Bromley
- Time: 09:00 - 15:00
- Cost: Free
This year add some sparkle to you Christmas shopping and visit the regular stalls plus additions for gifts, refreshments and more.
With a variety of stalls every day, there will be something different each time you visit so why not take a look?
Open daily from Thursday 10 to 24 December (9am till 3pm Christmas Eve)
Event organiser: Bromley Council
Telephone: 0300 303 8658
Saturday, 5 December 2015
Stay well this Winter
As the winter weather heads this way, Bromley Council is working with health colleagues at the Bromley Clinical Commissioning Group to share NHS winter health advice.
The advice will help residents to keep well during the winter, including encouraging those eligible to get a flu jab.
It also includes information on using the right service if they do become ill this winter when there is added pressure on A&E. At this time of year it is particularly important for our vulnerable residents and those at risk of ill health to take good care of themselves and home carers visiting elderly and vulnerable residents are also offering advice and information about staying warm, safe and well.
This is part of the council’s work to help prevent avoidable harm to health by raising people’s awareness of the negative health effects of cold weather and enable them to prepare for wintry weather.
For lots more advice and information on how to keep warm, safe and well this winter you can visit
www.bromley.gov.uk/winter or http://www.nhs.uk/staywell
The advice will help residents to keep well during the winter, including encouraging those eligible to get a flu jab.
It also includes information on using the right service if they do become ill this winter when there is added pressure on A&E. At this time of year it is particularly important for our vulnerable residents and those at risk of ill health to take good care of themselves and home carers visiting elderly and vulnerable residents are also offering advice and information about staying warm, safe and well.
This is part of the council’s work to help prevent avoidable harm to health by raising people’s awareness of the negative health effects of cold weather and enable them to prepare for wintry weather.
For lots more advice and information on how to keep warm, safe and well this winter you can visit
www.bromley.gov.uk/winter or http://www.nhs.uk/staywell
Friday, 4 December 2015
Christmas Services at St Andrew's Church
Sunday 13th December 2015 at 4:00 PM for 50 minutes
An atmospheric pre-Christmas celebration using oranges and candles to symbolise Jesus Christ as the light of the world. Money raised goes to the Children's Society to help children in need.
The orange represents the world, the red ribbon Christ's blood, the four sticks God's creations and the four seasons and the candle represents the light of the world
Service of Carols & Readings
Sunday 13th December 2015 at 6:30 PM for 1 hour
Do join us at St Andrew's for our Carol Service
Monday 21st December 2015 at 8:00 PM for 50 minutes
Mince pies and mulled wine are traditionally served by the St Andrew's Women's Guild after this lovely service with music by BOES and carols sung by the congregation
Thursday 24th December 2015 at 11:00 PM for ½ hour
Carols before the start of the Midnight Eucharist
Midnight Mass
Thursday 24th December 2015 at 11:30 PM for 1 hour
A specially atmospheric Eucharist on this special and holy night
Family Eucharist
Friday 25th December 2015 at 10:00 AM for 50 minutes
A simple service for Christmas Day with a talk around the crib
Thursday, 3 December 2015
Yet Another Fake Courier Scam
was forwarded by a member of the Petts Wood & Knoll Safer
Neighbourhood team :
Wednesday a week ago, I had a phone call from someone saying that he was from some outfit called: "Express Couriers,"(The name could be any courier company) He asked if I was going to be home because there was a package for me that required a signature.
The caller said that the delivery would arrive at my home in roughly an hour. Sure enough, about an hour later, a uniformed delivery man turned up with a beautiful basket of flowers and a bottle of wine. I was very surprised since there was no special occasion or holiday, and I certainly didn't expect anything like it. Intrigued, I inquired as to who the sender was.
The courier replied, "I don't know, I'm only delivering the package." Apparently, a card was being sent separately... (the card has never arrived!) There was also a consignment note with the gift.
He then went on to explain that because the gift contained alcohol, there was a £3.50 "delivery/ verification charge," providing proof that he had actually delivered the package to an adult (of legal drinking age), and not just left it on the doorstep where it could be stolen or taken by anyone, especially a minor.
This sounded logical and I offered to pay him cash. He then said that the delivery company required payment to be by credit or debit card only, so that everything is properly accounted for, and this would help in keeping a legal record of the transaction. He added couriers don't carry cash to avoid loss or likely targets for robbery.
My husband, who by this time was standing beside me, pulled out his credit card, and 'John,' the "delivery man," asked him to swipe the card on a small mobile card machine with a small screen and keypad. My husband, was asked to enter his PIN number and a receipt was printed out. He was given a copy of the transaction. He guy said everything was in order, and wished us good day.
To our horrible surprise, between Thursday and the following Monday, £4,000 had been charged/withdrawn from our credit/debit account at various ATM machines. The "mobile credit card machine" which the deliveryman carried now had all the info necessary to create a "dummy" card with all our card details including the PIN number.
Upon finding out about the illegal transactions on our card, we immediately notified the bank which issued us a new card, and our credit/debit account was closed. We also personally went to the Police, where it was confirmed that it is definitely a scam because several households had been similarly hit.
WARNING: Be wary of accepting any "surprise gift or package," which you neither expected nor personally ordered, especially if it involves any kind of payment as a condition of receiving the gift or package. Also, never accept anything if you do not personally know or there is no proper identification of who the sender is. Above all, the only time you should give out any personal credit/debit card information is when you yourself initiated the purchase or transaction!"
If you believe that you have been a victim of fraud you can report it online http://www.actionfraud.police.uk/report_fraud or by telephone 0300 123 2040.
Wednesday a week ago, I had a phone call from someone saying that he was from some outfit called: "Express Couriers,"(The name could be any courier company) He asked if I was going to be home because there was a package for me that required a signature.
The caller said that the delivery would arrive at my home in roughly an hour. Sure enough, about an hour later, a uniformed delivery man turned up with a beautiful basket of flowers and a bottle of wine. I was very surprised since there was no special occasion or holiday, and I certainly didn't expect anything like it. Intrigued, I inquired as to who the sender was.
The courier replied, "I don't know, I'm only delivering the package." Apparently, a card was being sent separately... (the card has never arrived!) There was also a consignment note with the gift.
He then went on to explain that because the gift contained alcohol, there was a £3.50 "delivery/ verification charge," providing proof that he had actually delivered the package to an adult (of legal drinking age), and not just left it on the doorstep where it could be stolen or taken by anyone, especially a minor.
This sounded logical and I offered to pay him cash. He then said that the delivery company required payment to be by credit or debit card only, so that everything is properly accounted for, and this would help in keeping a legal record of the transaction. He added couriers don't carry cash to avoid loss or likely targets for robbery.
My husband, who by this time was standing beside me, pulled out his credit card, and 'John,' the "delivery man," asked him to swipe the card on a small mobile card machine with a small screen and keypad. My husband, was asked to enter his PIN number and a receipt was printed out. He was given a copy of the transaction. He guy said everything was in order, and wished us good day.
To our horrible surprise, between Thursday and the following Monday, £4,000 had been charged/withdrawn from our credit/debit account at various ATM machines. The "mobile credit card machine" which the deliveryman carried now had all the info necessary to create a "dummy" card with all our card details including the PIN number.
Upon finding out about the illegal transactions on our card, we immediately notified the bank which issued us a new card, and our credit/debit account was closed. We also personally went to the Police, where it was confirmed that it is definitely a scam because several households had been similarly hit.
WARNING: Be wary of accepting any "surprise gift or package," which you neither expected nor personally ordered, especially if it involves any kind of payment as a condition of receiving the gift or package. Also, never accept anything if you do not personally know or there is no proper identification of who the sender is. Above all, the only time you should give out any personal credit/debit card information is when you yourself initiated the purchase or transaction!"
If you believe that you have been a victim of fraud you can report it online http://www.actionfraud.police.uk/report_fraud or by telephone 0300 123 2040.
Wednesday, 2 December 2015
Elderly Targeted by Fake Police Officers
This is a message sent
via The Neighbourhood & Home Watch Network (England & Wales). This
information has been sent on behalf of Action Fraud (National Fraud Intelligence
Message sent
Action Fraud (Action
Fraud, Administrator, National)
There has been a
recent series of incidents whereby fraudsters either phone or attend the home
address of elderly members of the public, claiming to be police
The fake officer/s will claim that they are investigating a fraud which they believe the elderly person to be a victim of. The fake officer/s will then request the bank cards and personal identification numbers (PIN) of the victim and claim these are needed for investigation purposes. If the first contact was made by a phone call, the fake officer/s will tell the victim that someone will be over to collect the evidence. In one case the victim was instructed to attend their local bank and withdraw all of the money from their account. The suspect was left alone in the victim’s house whilst the victim carried out the instructions.
Protect Yourself
The fake officer/s will claim that they are investigating a fraud which they believe the elderly person to be a victim of. The fake officer/s will then request the bank cards and personal identification numbers (PIN) of the victim and claim these are needed for investigation purposes. If the first contact was made by a phone call, the fake officer/s will tell the victim that someone will be over to collect the evidence. In one case the victim was instructed to attend their local bank and withdraw all of the money from their account. The suspect was left alone in the victim’s house whilst the victim carried out the instructions.
Protect Yourself
- Before letting
anyone into your home who claims to be from any law enforcement agency, ask to
see their identity card and check it by calling 101.
- Ask if they can
attend at a pre-arranged time when a family member or friend can also be
- If you receive a
phone call from a police officer, ask for their name and force and tell them
you will call them back. Wait a few minutes and then use 101 to call them back
through their force’s switchboard and verify their identity.
- The Police will
ask for your PIN or passwords. Do not give this information to
- The Police will
request that you withdraw/transfer any money to them.
If you believe that
you have been a victim of fraud you can report it online http://www.actionfraud.police.uk/report_fraud
or by telephone 0300 123 2040.
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Waste Collection Calendar Dec 2015 to May2016
The waste collection calendar can be viewed by clicking on the link in the Pages window on the right hand side. With luck Bromley will deliver the paper version to all houses soon.
Monday, 30 November 2015
Plaistow and Sundridge SNT Newsletter
Burglary figures for the month of November ,
there has been 10 reported burglaries in Pike Close, Sudbury Crescent, College
Road, (3) Plaistow Lane, Southover, Leamington Avenue, Avondale Road and Widmore
Road there has been 1 attempted
residential and no Shed/Garage burglaries reported.
Always keep your shed and garage locked and
tidy away your garden tools as burglars use then to break in through patio
doors and windows. Please visit www.metbumblebee.org
for more information
Vehicle Crime
In November there was 3 theft of motor
vehicle and 3 thefts from motor vehicle. Vehicle crime continues to be one of
our top priorities and various operations continued in November across the
Tips, Shut Windows, Lock Doors - Don’t Leave anything on display - Never
Leave the keys in the ignition - Always Keep keys in a safe place - Visit www.secureyourmotor.gov.uk
Useful links www.soldsecure.com , www.thatcham.org , www.immobilise.com
Christmas is just around the corner the
season of good will - not by all, unfortunately some see it as an opportunity
to get free televisions, lap tops, iphones, games consoles and jewelry amongst
other things. Not by going to Bromley’s Intu or Bluewater shopping centre, no
need to do that there’s plenty of stock in cars and houses on the ward at this
time of year and they all come with free wrapping!!
Please be vigilant don’t leave Presents on
display for all to see either in your car or around Christmas tree’s. If you
leave your cars unattended take your goods out or if you can’t, lock them in
the boot of your car until you get home.
top tips for securing your home
Mark or etch your property with your postcode, house or flat number or
the first three letters of your house name
2) Register items with a serial number at: www.immobilise.com
Do not leave your car keys or ID documents near doors, letterbox or
4) Always check who’s at the door and don’t
open if you feel anxious
5) Close and lock all your doors and
windows, even if you are only going out for a few minutes.
6) Keep your valuables out of sight
7) leave some lights on if it will be dark
before you get home
Install a visible burglar alarm
9) Always keep sheds and outbuildings
10) Cancel milk or other deliveries if you
will be away for days or weeks at a time
In November
we did have the usual fireworks related anti-social behaviour but nothing to
serious. We have had no other reported Anti-social behaviour on the ward
however if you have experienced any please let us know or if you prefer via www.crimestoppers-uk.org or call on
0800555 111 all calls are treated anonymously.
Scams are happening all the time if you
want to stay on top of the latest scams visit WWW.met.police.uk/fraudalert
which contains current information on different scams targeting consumers. It
also provides you with tips on guarding yourself against scams, new scams
stories, scam alerts and advice on reporting scams.
I will continue to send out alerts when I
receive them
Other News
While on patrol on Sunday 22 November 2105
officers from the team notice a male sitting on a motor scooter on the drive of
an address, the male is know to the team. It was noted that the males
registration plate was attached to another bike on the drive, officers stopped
and conducted checks on the bike. The checks came back that the bike was stolen
and as a result a section 32 search of the address was made, although no
reference to the bike was found a large amount of cannabis was discovered
resulting in 3 arrested for drug and handling stolen goods offences.
Further checks were made by the team and as a
direct result a mis-use of drugs warrant was executed on second address on the
ward, a male on this occasion was arrested for suspicion of theft of motor
vehicle and drug related offences.
On Monday 23 November 2015 Officers from the team
were on routine patrol on the ward and discovered a young female living in an
abandoned caravan in a car park, the caravan was cold and damp with mould
growing on the wall. Clearly the female was extremely vulnerable and in
conversation she told officers she was around 3 months pregnant. After she was
checked over by paramedics it was decided that she would be taken to Lewisham Hospital for further checks.
The female had been reported missing and in
now in the care of Lewisham hospital and social services.
The team wish you all a happy Christmas and a crime free New Year
The next Police drop in surgery will be held at the Lavender Cafe, Plaistow Lane on
Friday 18th December 2015 at 15:00 - 16:00 hours.
Please come and visit us if
you have any concerns you have about the area you live in we’re there to talk
to you not just to drink coffee.
In an Emergency always ring 999
Non-emergency ring 101
for crime prevention advice
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
Council must save another £50 million
Bromley Council Leader Councillor Stephen Carr is asking residents to take part in an online survey.
With £50 million to save over the next four years in addition to the substantial savings of £60 million the council had to make in the past few years, Councillor Carr said: “Your views have helped us make difficult choices over the past years and as your elected councillors it is vital that again we hear from you as we shape the future of our council.”
In an open letter to residents, Councillor Carr explained: “As we make decisions for 2016-17 and beyond, we want to know what you think about how we continue to deliver our Building a Better Bromley priorities against a background of reduced resources. Reduced resources that we must direct towards those in genuine need, especially as demands on services for the elderly, our looked after children and those with special needs continue to grow. We must also ensure we fulfil our statutory responsibilities.”
As well as the online survey, there will be an open public meeting which residents are invited to attend as follows:
Daytime meeting:
11am -12.30pm, Thursday, 26 November – Bromley Civic Centre BR1 3UH
The online survey closes on December 6 and can be found at www.bromley.gov.uk/budgetviews where residents can also find background material such as the Leader’s letter and financial information.
Other ways residents can give their views is talking to representatives of their residents’ association who have been invited to attend a round-table discussion; emailing the Leader of the Council at leader@bromley.gov.ukand talking to their ward Councillor.
Friday, 6 November 2015
Burnt Ash Drama Association presents Cinderella in December
Burnt Ash Drama Association presents Cinderella from Wednesday 9th December till 12th December at St Andrew's Hall
More details on http://www.burntashdrama.co.uk/
Saturday, 31 October 2015
Burnt Ash Library will "soon" have wi-fi
All libraries across the borough will soon be equipped with wi-fi facilities meaning that library users will be able to use the internet more easily.
The news will see four of the busier Neighbourhood libraries, Beckenham, West Wickham Chislehurst and Petts Wood, offering wi-fi for the first time. In addition, the community libraries in Burnt Ash, Hayes, Shortlands and Southborough will also have wi-fi installed, with the project estimated to be completed by the end of March 2016.
Councillor Peter Morgan, Executive Councillor for Renewal and Recreation welcomed the news and said, “It is now increasingly difficult to imagine a time without the internet and computers and smart phones and tablets are moving this on a stage further. This necessarily changes library services and what is expected. We are committed to improving our library services where we can and I am pleased that we have been able to do this and is further evidence of how we are shaping our libraries, keeping libraries highly relevant in this modern age.”
The wi-fi installation project follows a successful funding application to the Arts Council who announced a £7.1 million fund in the summer to help install wi-fi facilities in libraries across the country as part of the wi-fi in Public Libraries in England project. The funding is designed to ensure that libraries are fit for purpose now and in the future and to help unlock further opportunities to extend their services, tackling digital exclusion, leading to growth in digital skills and enabling the development of new partnerships that will benefit local residents and citizens.
Bromley Library Service has a growing online presence enabling customers to download eBooks and eMagazines onto their devices for free. The new libraries app gives quick and easy access to library services on-the-go, giving library users the freedom to renew books, find out about library events or search the catalogue from their mobile device.
Bromley Central, Biggin Hill, Mottingham, Orpington, St Paul’s Cray and Penge libraries already provide free wi-fi and following installation in the other 8 libraries, this very popular facility will be available right across the borough.
Friday, 30 October 2015
Burnt Ash Drama Association
If you missed last night's performance there are two more tonight and Tomorrow
Future events include Cinderella on 10th to 12th December and On The Razzle
Thursday 7th, Friday 8th & Saturday 9th April 2016
More details at http://www.burntashdrama.co.uk/
Saturday, 24 October 2015
Fireworks displays in Bromley
In the run up to Bonfire Night it is important to consider how to stay safe, whilst having fun. The Safer Bromley Partnership suggests that it is always best to attend an organised firework display.If this is not possible the London Fire Brigade has some helpful advice for firework and bonfire safety.
Local events 2015
- Norman Park fireworks and funfair, Friday 30 October
- Beckenham Round Table fireworks and funfair, Saturday 7 November
- Chislehurst Rotary Club firework display, Saturday 7 November
- Crystal Palace Park firework display, Thursday 5 November
- Hayes Schools' family fireworks display, Saturday 7 November
- West Wickham fireworks display, Saturday 7 November
Thursday, 22 October 2015
Changes to Bromley Library services
Bexley and Bromley councils are considering jointly commissioning their library services.
The approach to procuring the services has been agreed by Bexley and will be discussed by Bromley Council later this month.
The news follows ‘soft market testing’ and further consultation with library staff, library users and residents. Discussions with potential library service providers as part of the soft market testing showed that it might be possible to deliver library services in a way that protects front line services, while delivering essential savings. Both councils face serious financial challenges.
If the two councils agree to a joint procurement process, their Library Services will be tendered together, with each retaining the ability to specify different requirements, according to their priorities.
Councillor Peter Craske, Bexley’s Cabinet Member for Community Safety, Environment and Leisure took a decision for Bexley to proceed with a tender exercise for the library service on 16 October. He explained: ‘We are going out to tender to find a provider that will deliver a great service to residents, that will continue to provide the services and activities that our customers currently enjoy, while also saving Council Taxpayers’ money.”
Councillor Peter Morgan, Bromley’s Executive Councillor for Renewal and Recreation said: “We must consider all the options carefully with the overall aim of protecting our library service. Our shared management service approach with Bexley has delivered savings whilst maintaining the frontline library service and now, we are looking to see how we can deliver further savings whilst maintaining this important service.”
If the tender exercise is progressed, both councils will need to take a further decision in late 2016 on whether to go ahead.
A range of council services in both boroughs have been delivered by contractor providers for many years. They include street cleaning, Council Tax, Housing Benefit and the management of leisure centres.
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
Biggin Hill Airport decision date in November
The application to increase operating hours at Biggin Hill Airport will be considered further next month in a special full council meeting, with an anticipated decision made by the Executive.
The special meeting of the council follows discussions with Biggin Hill Airport Limited (BHAL) about their proposals which were submitted to the council in its official capacity as the freeholder, with Biggin Hill Airport, the tenant.
The meeting is being held in public on Wednesday 25 November at 7 pm in the Great Hall, which is part of the Civic Centre campus. Immediately after this, the Council’s Executive will then make a decision about BHAL’s proposal, with this meeting also being held in the Great Hall.
Councillor Stephen Carr, Leader of Bromley Council said, “We are taking this relatively unusual step of publishing and publicising this report as part of our commitment to keep everyone informed and to give an opportunity for the information to be properly considered. Whilst there has already been substantial opportunity to comment, not just as part of the council’s consultation, if people want to comment about the published report and the information contained in it, we would encourage them to do so over the coming weeks so that these views can be properly considered.”
Comments received before the November 2015 meeting will be summarised and presented at the meeting so that they can be considered alongside all the other information, including the correspondence received by the council since the March Executive meeting.
Comments can either be e-mailed to airport.consultation@bromley.gov.uk or alternatively, written correspondence should be addressed to Airport Consultation Group, Bromley Civic Centre, Stockwell Close, Bromley BR1 3UH.
Details about BHAL’s proposals, including a link to the published report, subject to amendment, are available by visitingwww.bromley.gov.uk/bigginhillairport
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
Further alert from Trading Standards
Trading Standards has issued an additional warning following further reports of rogue trader activity in Beckenham.
Officers were alerted to a vulnerable man who had gone to his bank to withdraw £12,000 in cash. This followed a previous withdrawal a few days earlier of £12,000 for what the man said was roof repairs. Bank staff became concerned and called the Trading Standards rapid response team who attended and discovered the man had been cold called on Tuesday 6 October by two men, both believed to have Irish accents and noticeable tans, who persuaded him that he needed £27,000 worth of property repairs. They were driving a white transit van and may have been using a trading name of Home Improvements or Home Maintenance.
Officers were alerted to a vulnerable man who had gone to his bank to withdraw £12,000 in cash. This followed a previous withdrawal a few days earlier of £12,000 for what the man said was roof repairs. Bank staff became concerned and called the Trading Standards rapid response team who attended and discovered the man had been cold called on Tuesday 6 October by two men, both believed to have Irish accents and noticeable tans, who persuaded him that he needed £27,000 worth of property repairs. They were driving a white transit van and may have been using a trading name of Home Improvements or Home Maintenance.
Officers investigating this matter interviewed several neighbours and found a further victim who was elderly and had been pressured into having roof repairs by the same gang.
Head of Trading Standards Rob Vale is urging all residents to be extra vigilant: “We have had a string of cases recently where consumers are being aggressively targeted by organised criminals. This case is even more upsetting as the man is particularly vulnerable which would have been apparent to anyone talking to him and these people have taken advantage in the most despicable way. We will do all we can to find these individuals.”
Portfolio Holder for Public Protection and Safety Cllr Kate Lymer added: “We have been promoting the ‘Adult Safeguarding is Everybody’s Business’ campaign for several months now and have seen an increase in referrals of this type of incident. We want to do everything we can to help protect more vulnerable residents so please report suspicious traders to the rapid response team on 07903 852 090.”
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
Trading Standards Scam Warning
Two incidents have been
drawn to our attention this week involving what appears to be a very similar
bogus drainage repair scam.
Incident 1 - A Beckenham resident was cold called and told there
was a problem with a neighbour’s drains. He allowed men into his back garden to
inspect a manhole cover and they told him work was needed to clear a blockage.
The resident paid a large deposit for machinery needed to do this work, was told
he also had damp in his property and paid a further £10,000 to resolve both
Incident 2 - An elderly resident in Orpington was cold called by
a young male in shorts and told that there was a problem with a blockage in a
neighbour’s drains. The resident was asked for permission to inspect his drains
and he agreed. The male lifted the manhole cover and left. The resident was
then telephoned by a man claiming to be from a company attempting to sort out
the problem. He was told a deposit of £4,000 was needed to hire machinery to
clear the blocked drain and was asked for a banker’s draft. The resident
refused and then received a call from someone claiming to be from the Council
who applied more pressure in an attempt to obtain the funds. The resident again
refused. The resident then received a call from another male
pretending to be one of his neighbours, again applying pressure and trying to
appeal to the resident’s good nature. Luckily, the resident knows his
neighbours and did not fall for it. When they continued to phone, the resident advised
he had informed Trading Standards and the Police after which the caller hung
Trading Standards are
investigating these incidents.
Meanwhile, please beware
of cold callers offering property repairs or claiming to be from the Council.
Call Bromley Trading Standards Rapid Response team on 07903 852 090 if you are
suspicious of anyone offering any type of property repairs and look out for any
neighbours who may be vulnerable to this type of caller.
Bromley Neighbourhood Watch Association
Find us on the Web
at: www.bnwa.co.uk
Monday, 12 October 2015
Report Email Scams
Help disrupt fraudsters by reporting scam emails that you receive. People receiving scam emails are urged to report them.
The reports received by Action Fraud will be forwarded to the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau run by the City of London Police for collation and analysis. This will enable crucial intelligence to be gathered and preventative action to be taken. The activity will seek to disrupt the fraudsters and close down the links between them and the victim.
What should you do if you’ve received a scam email?
- Do not click on any links in the scam email.
- Do not reply to the email or contact the senders in any way.
- If you have clicked on a link in the email, do not supply any information on the website that may open.
- Do not open any attachments that arrive with the email.
If you think you may have compromised the safety of your bank details and/or have lost money due to fraudulent misuse of your cards, you should immediately contact your bank.
If you've been a victim of fraud follow this link to report it to Action Fraud.
Fake emails often (but not always) display some of the following characteristics:
- The sender’s email address doesn’t tally with the trusted organisation’s website address.
- The email is sent from a completely different address or a free web mail address.
- The email does not use your proper name, but uses a non-specific greeting like “dear customer”.
- A sense of urgency; for example the threat that unless you act immediately your account may be closed.
- A prominent website link. These can be forged or seem very similar to the proper address, but even a single character’s difference means a different website.
- A request for personal information such as user name, password or bank details.
- The email contains spelling and grammatical errors.
- You weren't expecting to get an email from the company that appears to have sent it.
- The entire text of the email is contained within an image rather than the usual text format.
- The image contains an embedded hyperlink to a bogus site.
Sunday, 11 October 2015
Friday, 9 October 2015
Plaistow and Sundridge Ward Panel survey
Hello everyone. The Plaistow and Sundridge Ward Panel via
the local policing team are undertaking a short survey via e mail. Details are
set out below if you would like to participate.
Stephen Hodges
LERA Chairman
The Plaistow and Sundridge Virtual Ward Panel is shortly
going to be up and running. This is a short survey and will enable you to give
your views at the Local Ward Panel meetings without the need to attend. This is
being run by your local policing team who value your views and will present them
to the relevant people at the meetings so any local problems you are having can
be addressed.
All you need to do is provide your email address to your local
team via this link: Plaistow&Sundridge@met.pnn.police.uk
When the survey is ready it will be sent out directly to you via a link. The
results of this will then be collated and presented to the right people! We need
and really appreciate your views!"
Sunday, 13 September 2015
Bromley Little Ttheatre Charity performance of BRONTE
The Charity
performance of BRONTE by Polly Teale is on Thursday 8 October 2015
at Bromley Little
Theatre on behalf of JusB
Tickets booked
before this Wednesday 16 September, are £10 and after that will be
In either case
they are available by contacting JusB on 020 8464 2722 -
best during office
Directed by Andy
It is 1845.
Branwell returns home in disgrace. Plagued by alcohol and drug addiction, he has
been dismissed from domestic service following an affair with the mistress of
the house.
As their brother
descends into alcoholism and insanity, bringing chaos to the household, the
sisters write.
How is it possible
that three Victorian spinsters, living in isolation on the Yorkshire moors could
have written some of the most powerful and passionate fiction of all
Charlotte – Jane
Emily – Laura Ings
Anne – Holly
Mrs Rochester
(Bertha)/Cathy – Alice Young
Huntingdon/Heathcliff – Joseph Dominic
Bell Nicholls/Rochester/Mr Heger – Richard Toynton
JusB, are a
community youth charity in College Road, Bromley. 'Young people come to Just Be
themselves, whatever their problems and to Just Become all that they can be.
Check out
www.jusb.co.uk for more information. It says….
“JusB is a
community-based youth centre that works with young people during their journey
to independence, helping them to make the most of their potential.
Over our ten
years we have worked with thousands of young people. We are a thriving club in
the heart of the Bromley area which is fast becoming a vibrant and diverse
Our vision ‘A
Brighter future for young people in Bromley’ is even more relevant in today’s
environment, as many young people and families struggle to cope in difficult
Through the year
we strive to offer young people a variety of activities which will enable them
to be better equipped for life's journey.
We are
appreciative of everyone who supports us in so many ways ... those who offer
hours of volunteering and those who support us financially ... we could not
continue without them and for this we are extremely
On behalf of the
young people that we work with ...
McWhirter Project Manager”
Coming attractions in St Andrew's Church hall
October 7pm for 7.30 in the
hall. Tickets available
from Anne Dulley 020
8325 7656 or anne@peterdulley.co.uk
including fish & chip supper or £6 with nibbles
In aid of Friends of St. Andrews for
the new hall
Burnt Ash Drama
Association (BADA)
announce their first
production in our new hall of the spine chilling Jack the Ripper from 29th—31st
October Tickets £8 - Box Office 07482 952550
Wednesday, 9 September 2015
Plaistow and Sundridge Safer Neighbourhood Team Newsletter August 2015
Welcome to the Plaistow and Sundridge Newsletter for the month of August 2015
The burglary figures for the month of August
have seen a rise compared to the previous months, there was 6 reported
burglaries and 3 attempted burglaries.
The burglaries have not been confined to
one area and have been spread across the ward. There is one bit of good news a
male was identified via DNA and was arrested and charged for an attempted
burglary on New Street Hill.

In august there was 4 theft of motor
vehicle and 4 theft from motor vehicle. Vehicle crime continues to be one of
our top priorities and various operations have been held in August across the
Borough in response to this. For crime prevention for Vehicles please visit the
Met web site mentioned at the bottom or this newsletter.
It was a good month as far as Anti-social
behaviour is concerned the main complaints have been about motor bikes being
ridden around the Downham, this is not a problem exclusive to our ward and
we working with our colleagues in
Lewisham and other wards in Bromley.
Scams are happening all the time if you
want to stay on top of the latest scams visit WWW.met.police.uk/fraudalert
which contains current information on different scams targeting consumers. It
also provides you with tips on guarding yourself against scams, new scams
stories, scam alerts and advice on reporting scams.
Team News
Sergeant Andy Didsbury joins the Team from 7th September 2015. Andy
has experience on the Bromley Town Local Policing Team (LPT) before moving to
the borough tasking team, he has recently been on street duties tutoring new
PC Dan Gayton has left the team to take up a post in Lewisham in
there Intelligence investigation dept, Dan had been on the team for the last 4
years and we wish him well in his new post.
The next Police drop in surgery will be held at the Lavender Cafe, Plaistow Lane on
Friday 18th September 2015 at 15:00 - 16:00 hours.
In an Emergency always ring 999
Non-emergency ring 101
for crime prevention advice
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