7 30PM
1. Welcome and
Stephen Hodges welcomed members to the meeting. He extended a special welcome to the guests
and speakers - Councillors Michael Turner and Gareth Allett; PC Daniel Ball and
PCSO Peter Scott of the Plaistow and Sundridge Safer Neighbourhood Team; and Reverend
Liz Davis. Also, the Bromley Borough Commander for the London Fire Brigade,
Terry Gooding, would be arriving later to give a presentation.
Stephen outlined the agenda for the meeting.
2. Apologies for absence
Apologies had been received from:
John Howard Lucia
Jane Mace Margaret
Steve Mace Jeanette Warren
Peter Morgan Laurel Wretham
Cheryl Mulryne Roy
3. Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on 15th May
The minutes were approved.
4. Matters arising
There were no matters arising.
5. Chair’s report
Stephen thanked the Committee members and Street
Representatives for their support and hard work throughout the year.
He summarised the Committee’s main activities during
the past year.
We have
liaised closely with our councillors and Council officials over a variety of
issues and have represented LERA on a range of local community groups and at other
events. This included the Safer
Neighbourhood Panel which meets regularly to discuss crime and policing in the
Ward and other local matters, the Council’s ‘roundtable’ discussion on Bromley’s
budget priorities for the coming years, and the Bromley Safer Neighbourhood
Board annual Crime Summit.
Development on the Estate
With members’ help, we have monitored current
developments on the Estate and compliance with planning approval conditions,
and have liaised with the Council officials over breaches. We have also started to monitor the trend of properties
becoming Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMO).
conducted the annual survey of the public trees on the Estate with the
Council’s Arboricultural Manager and agreed a programme of
replacement and maintenance. We also
liaised with the Council over work undertaken by Network Rail’s contractors to
clear vegetation on the Bromley North branch line embankment to establish
whether this had been carried out legitimately.
Communicating with members
Our website and Facebook page provide an important means
of keeping members informed of news and other issues of interest. We have also circulated leaflets about specific
Future of LERA
The Committee had discussed the resources needed to
ensure that LERA would be able to maintain and expand its portfolio in the
coming years. The request for volunteers
to take on a range of roles that had been circulated recently to members had produced
a disappointing response. We will
endeavour to find new people to join the Committee and depending on the
response, it may be necessary to scale down our current level of activity.
Stephen thanked Pat
Pattenden for all her work as Secretary over the past 15 years or so as she was
now stepping down from that role.
The meeting accepted the report.
6. Treasurer’s
Diane Bex presented
the accounts for 2017-18, copies of which had been distributed at the meeting.
LERA’s financial position remained relatively healthy. Income over expenditure produced a surplus
for the year of £536. The main income
continued to be the membership subscriptions which had been held at
£2.00. Expenditure covered the usual administrative expenses.
Total assets stood at £8,205 in the current account
with NatWest with a further £30 due.
The meeting approved the accounts.
Diane proposed that the membership subscription should
remain at £2.00 for 2018-19. The meeting approved the proposal.
Stephen said that the LERA commemorative booklet
which had been trailed at a previous AGM had involved extensive and lengthy
work by some members of the Committee and was now nearing completion. The cost of printing copies was expected to
be around £600-700. The meeting approved
expenditure of this order for this purpose.
LERA had received a request from Reverend Liz Davis
for a contribution to help fund the forthcoming annual Community Day in Kings
Meadow in July. It was proposed that a
contribution of £200 should be made towards the cost of hiring a climbing wall
(estimated at £800) for the enjoyment of children. The meeting agreed the proposal.
7. Election
of Officers and Committee members
Stephen Hodges – proposed by
Jackie Taylor; seconded by Margaret Hearn; and was re-elected unanimously.
Stephen announced that he would
undertake the role for a further year only and that a new candidate would need
to be elected at the 2019 AGM.
There were no nominations. The office was unfilled.
Diane Bex – proposed by John
Crutchlow; seconded by Tony Beskeen; and was re-elected unanimously.
Committee members
The following were
elected/re-elected unanimously:
Crutchlow (Ridgeway Drive and Treewall Gardens)
Sandro Gor (Lead
on Street Cleaning issues)
Margaret Hearn (Leamington Close and Milverton
Pam Lucken
(Leamington Avenue)
Theresa McWhirter
(Oak Tree Gardens)
Alex Margolies
(Oak Tree Gardens)
Pat Pattenden (Lower
Portland Road)
Michelle Pike
(Upper Portland Road)
Clive Robeson (Website Manager)
Peter Skipp (Safer
Neighbourhood Panel representative)
Peter Smith
(Briary Gardens).
All the above, with the exception of Sandro Gor,
Clive Robeson and Peter Skipp, also serve as Street Representatives (roads are
indicated in brackets).
In addition, the following serve as Street
Betty Donoghue (Broadlands Road)
Jackie Taylor (Ridgeway Drive)
Laurel and Roy Wretham (New Street Hill).
8. Appointment of Honorary Auditor
The meeting
approved the re-appointment of Steve Mace as Honorary Auditor. Stephen
expressed thanks for his continued support to LERA.
9. Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) Update – PC Daniel
PC Ball explained that he had joined the team
in April. The other members of the team
were currently Sergeant Alf Sacre, PC Amy Barnes and PCSO Peter Scott. Under
the new Basic Command Unit (BCU) structure to be introduced in November,
Bromley will be merged with Croydon and Sutton.
This will enable police resources to be re-deployed as necessary across
borough boundaries.
The ‘promises’ for issues that are currently
agreed for the SNT to target within the Ward include open spaces and the car
park behind the shops on Burnt Ash Parade.
Crime across the Ward and on the Links Estate remained relatively
low. Since the start of the year, there
had been 5 burglaries reported on the Estate – in most cases the offenders had
broken in through rear patio doors – and 4 incidents of vehicle crime. There had been no reported incidents of
anti-social behaviour or nuisance cyclists.
Police patrols had been increased in Bromley Town Centre to counter
spikes in theft and other criminal activity. Crimes can be reported via the
Met’s website as well as calling 101 or in emergencies 999.
In response to questions, PC Ball explained
the Law governing householders
defending their property against intruders allows ‘reasonable’ force to be
the Council is responsible for removing abandoned vehicles parked on the
public roadway but it won’t normally take action if the vehicle is taxed and insured. Members can check for themselves through the
DVLA website whether a vehicle is currently taxed and MOT’d;
the Council will not normally remove fly-tipped rubbish from private land. It may become involved if the fly-tipping is
causing health and safety issues.
Stephen thanked him for his presentation. He also expressed thanks to PCSO Peter Scott
for the help and support he had given to LERA and the Estate’s residents over
the past 10 years or so in his role as our Dedicated Ward Officer and wished
him the very best in his forthcoming retirement.
10. Presentation
on general fire safety – Terry Gooding, Borough Commander for Bromley,
London Fire Brigade (LFB)
Commander Gooding emphasised that his key
message was for members to look out for elderly and vulnerable people as they
are most susceptible to fire risks.
These include:
smoking in bed – this is a common cause of death;
unattended cooking which is a significant cause of fire;
unsafe heating, for example, old fires where clothes are hung over them;
overloaded power sockets; and
candles – these should never be lit unless they are contained in proper
LFB will visit homes to provide safety advice
and will fit smoke alarms. It is
important to keep all doors closed at night to contain any fire, and to have an
escape plan worked out and to keep escape routes clear. Other safety measures include fitting
personal sprinklers and special fire-proof bedding.
Outside the home, flytipped rubbish can also
be a source of fires and members were advised to keep an eye on trends as this
can attract more flytipping.
Stephen thanked the Commander for his
presentation and his valuable advice.
11. Open Forum
In response to issues raised by the audience, Councillor Turner:
agreed to investigate why LERA had not received any reply to our formal
complaint letter to the Chief Planning Officer of October 2017 regarding the
Planning Department’s failure to respond to issues we’ve raised concerning
breaches of the planning rules on the Estate;
confirmed that the Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) issued for the trees
on the Bromley North branch line embankment were permanent, although Network
Rail can apply to have them lifted at any time;
requested further information from a member who was concerned that the
Council had not responded following their installation of equipment in his home
to monitor
the increasingly bad behaviour of a noisy dog
in a neighbouring house;
explained that there were no plans to introduce a 20mph speed limit in
Bromley as there were more disadvantages than benefits; and
agreed to pursue the roadway in Leamington Close being re-surfaced.
Members were urged to keep alert to ‘back door’ developments on the
Estate, including extensions and conversion of outbuildings, that were being
carried out without the necessary planning consent and to report breaches to
the Council. An increasing number of
properties were being converted to ‘Houses
in Multiple Occupation’ (HMO). LERA was endeavouring
to keep track of these properties and was maintaining a central register.
12. Any other business
Reverend Liz Davis
asked members to support this year’s Community Fun Day in Kings Meadow which
was being held on Saturday 14th July. She thanked LERA for their
generous donation to the event.
The meeting
formally closed at 9 00pm.
Following the
meeting, LERA members and the guests mingled informally and enjoyed refreshments.
Around 50 members
and guests attended.
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