Sunday, 23 April 2017

St Christopher's Hospice Fun Walk 14 May 2017

St Christopher's Hospice Fun Walk May 2017

St Christopher’s Fun Walk is back in 2017. Registrations are now open for our biggest and best-loved community event.

With a choice of 3, 5, 8 and 11 mile walks through beautiful Kent countryside, there is something for everyone at this event. Many walkers take part in memory of a loved one, whilst others join in simply for a day of fun and fundraising for their local hospice.

Entry is just £5 per person, and under 11s go FREE. There is still time to register at

Tony Beskeen, who lives in New Street Hill, has decided to take one of the challenges and hopes you will sponsor him.

I am looking forward to raising funds for St.Christopher’s by joining a sponsored walk of 8 miles minimum. This is a modest challenge to mark my completing 7 decades in April .St.Christopher’s like many other hospices needs continuing funds to provide its excellent works for end of life care. 
I am sure either in the past or some point in the future you will know of people who benefit from the compassionate holistic support given at this wonderful organisation and others in your locality. Please donate what you can via Virginmoneygiving.

Your support is much appreciated.


By following the link you can make your donation by credit card and St Christopher's will recover the Gift Aid. For every pound you donate the Charity can recover £1.25 if you are a taxpayer. Tony's target is £100 but with your support he may be able to pass the target.

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Re-development of 87-93 Oak Tree Gardens

For your urgent attention

Dear Links Estate Resident


You should be aware that following Bromley Council’s refusal of the planning application below, the developers have submitted an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate.

REFERENCE NO: DC/16/04446/FINAL1 Demolition of 89 and 91 Oak Tree Gardens and erection of six 2 storey 3 bedroom houses comprising of 3 pairs of semi-detached houses. Erection of single garage for No. 87; associated access, parking, landscaping, cycle storage, refuse and recycling provision.
The developer’s appeal, application documents and Bromley Council’s reasons for refusal may be viewed in the Planning Applications section on Bromley’s website and by searching on the reference number above.

If you submitted comments on the application, these will be included in the documents that Bromley Council is required to provide to the Planning Inspectorate for consideration of the appeal.  You may submit further comments to the Inspectorate by no later than THURSDAY 11th MAY 2017 either:
  • Online at and search on the Appeal Reference number below, then click on the green ‘Make representation’ button towards the top right of the screen - or

·       By writing to:  The Inspector, c/o The Planning Inspectorate, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN.  Please make sure you quote the Appeal Reference:  APP/G5180/W/17/3170975 and the site location address – 87 Oak Tree Gardens, Bromley, BR1 5BE.

Please note that this appeal relates to an application which is separate from the latest (4th) planning application for the site which the developer has since submitted to Bromley Council (Reference No: DC/17/01122/FINAL1).

Monday, 3 April 2017

Vacancy for Hall Lettings Manager


We are looking for a HALL LETTINGS MANAGER for St. Andrew’s Hall in Burnt Ash Lane.

Hours flexible, must live locally, remuneration to be agreed.

Please call 

Ann-Marie Martin on 020 8290 5172 or

Kath Goodwin on 020 8325 8863