Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Notive of Annual General Meeting of LERA


To be held on Tuesday 14th May 2019 in St Andrew’s Hall (Main Hall), Burnt Ash Lane,
starting at 7 30pm

This is a very important meeting for us and we hope you will be able to come along and lend your support.  Even if you are not an existing member, you are welcome to join us.  As mentioned in our January update and our recent survey, we need to appoint a new Chair and a Secretary to make sure that LERA continues to run effectively.

We were very pleased with the positive response to our survey with over 30% of our membership returning the questionnaire.  Thanks to everyone who participated.  It has given us some very useful information and highlighted issues which will help us identify priorities for the future.  We also had some offers of help and we are following these up.

All of this is very encouraging and we hope our AGM will provide a good opportunity to talk about the survey response and how we should move forward.

We will have presentations from JusB and the Bromley and Downham Youth Club about the work they are doing to support younger people.  We have invited our Councillors and our local Safer Neighbourhood Police Team.

So it’s going to be a busy evening.  We look forward to seeing you there.  Refreshments will be available at the end of the meeting.

The minutes of the 2018 AGM can be viewed on our website.  Copies will also be available at the meeting.

Stephen Hodges

Friday, 12 April 2019

LERA AGM May 2019 and Minutes of the 2018 AGM

The Annual General Meeting of the Links Estate Residents' Association will be held on Tuesday 14th May 2019 in the St Andrew's Church Hall at 7.30 pm. There will be a review of the LERA survey, the future of the association and elections to the committee. After short contributions by invited speakers and an open forum there will be the usual refreshments and a chance to talk to other members of the association.

Full details will be provided in the official Notice of the annual general meeting which will be delivered through your letterbox by street representatives in the near future.

The Minutes of the previous AGM held in May 2018 is available by clicking the link in the HOME window on the right or clicking on the following link minutes-of-annual-general-meeting-may 2018

Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Burnt Ash Drama Association next production

If you like nothing more than settling down to a good ghost story – then look no further. BADA has unearthed Noel  Coward’s classic ectoplasmic encounter - the very inventive and entertaining comedy, ‘Blithe Spirit’.

The play concerns the socialite and novelist Charles Condomine, who invites the eccentric medium and clairvoyant,  Mme Arcati, to his house to conduct a séance, hoping to gather material for his next book with the resulting spectral presence causing absolute mayhem.

Please do come along and join us in our familiar haunt and wait for things to go bump in the night...

Monday, 1 April 2019


Tony Beskeen of New Street Hill, former Chair of LERA, is seeking donations for his charity walk to raise funds for St Christopher’s Hospice on Sunday 19th May.  It would be lovely if our members are able to support such a good cause and help Tony to exceed his target for donations.


In 2017 I completed the whole 11 miles and raised £150 before gift aid.

This year I am setting my target at 5 miles - knees getting older!!

Donations can be made via the Virginmoneygiving website.  Just click on this link Tony Beskeen


Direct to me at 3 New Street Hill - in which case can Gift Aid eligibility be advised where applicable.

Many thanks
