Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Are you a Facebook fan?

For our members who like using social networks, you'll be pleased to know that LERA has launched a Facebook group. LERA's Newsletter and website are already popular with members for sharing news and information about local issues.

We hope our Facebook group will provide another way for members to exchange views and report concerns about matters affecting the Estate. This is a closed group open only to members.

To be invited to join, log in to Facebook and type Links Estate Residents' Association Community Group. This will take you to the opening page and you can then click on the green box labelled "Join Group" or follow this link  https://www.facebook.com/groups/lerabromley/

1 comment:

  1. The website is amazing! Beautifully presented, easy to navigate and so informative. Thank you so much for keeping it going. Another item worth including - residents can feed in their views to LBB to help the Council in setting its priorities for next year's budget by completing the online survey - www.bromley.gov.uk/OurbudgetYourviews. PP
