Saturday, 13 December 2014

Planning application to redevelop the land at the rear of 87 -93 Oak Tree Gardens

A Planning application has been submitted for the land at the rear of 87-93 Oak Tree Gardens.
The summary for the application reads as follows:-

14/04443/FULL1 | 
Redevelopment of land at rear of Nos. 87-93 Oak Tree Gardens to include demolition of No. 91 and retention of No. 89 with minor alterations to roof and Erection of eight 2 1/2 storey, 4 bedroom houses comprising of two terraces of 3 houses, one pair of semi detached houses and one detached single garage; associated access, parking, landscaping, cycle storage, refuse and recycling provision.

If you are likely to be affected by this redevelopment you can view the details of the plans in PDF format at the following webpage:-

If you wish to submit a comment to the planning officers you can do so by clicking on the second tab labelled "Comments". This should be done before 30th December 2014

Following consultation with some residents who would be affected by the development L.E.R.A. proposes to submit an objection to the application.

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