Links Estate
Residents’ Association
For your urgent attention
Dear Resident
Please be aware that the
developers have submitted a new application to re-develop the site occupied by
Nos 89 and 91 and part of the gardens of Nos 87 and 93 Oak Tree Gardens at the
corner with Portland Road. Their
proposals are as follows:
Demolition of 89 and 91 Oak
Tree Gardens and erection of six 2 storey 3 bedroom house comprising of 3 pairs
of semi-detached houses. Erection of single garage for No 87; associated
access, parking, landscaping, cycle storage, refuse and recycling provision.
You can view the planning
application and related plans and documents on the Council’s website – www.bromley.gov.uk. Click on the Planning Applications button and
search on 87 Oak Tree Gardens.
If you wish to comment on or
object to the planning application, you must do this by MONDAY 24TH OCTOBER 2016. The Council’s Planning Committee will make a
decision on the application before Wednesday 23rd November
2016 – the exact date has still to be set.
You may register your
comments/objection in the Comments section on the website – click on the 2nd
tab – or by writing to Planning Support Team, Town Planning, London Borough of
Bromley, Civic Centre, Stockwell Close, Bromley BR1 3UH, quoting the reference
number above and giving your name and address.