Friday, 4 April 2014


Wednesday 30 April 2014 in St Andrew’s Church starting at 7.30pm 

Once again we are holding our AGM in St Andrew’s Church.  The old St Andrew’s Hall has been demolished and we are pleased to hear that behind the security fence building work on the new Hall has started. You are very welcome to attend even if you are not currently a member of LERA.  Our AGM provides a good opportunity to talk about local issues, so come along and tell us what you like about living on the Links Estate and what you think could be done to make things better.

As reported last year we continue to have a strong working relationship with our Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) with members of our Committee and our Street Representatives linked by email to our local SNT office for regular bulletins on policing issues. Through membership of our local Safer Neighbourhood Panel we have been aware of the tremendous amount of work involved in the re-organisation of the Metropolitan Police following cuts imposed by the Mayor of London.  The new structure is now in place. 

We have maintained contacts with our local Councillors and Bromley Council officers.  We have represented LERA’s interests on the Bromley Council Road Safety Consultative Panel, which discusses road traffic management issues within the Borough.  We have had meetings about street cleaning and also arranged for fly-tipped rubbish to be removed.

This will be my last AGM as Chairman.  I have decided to stand down after serving for two terms and a total of six years.  I would like to thank all the members of the Committee and our Street representatives for their help and support and good company all of which I have really appreciated.

It is very important that we maintain a strong Residents’ Association to co-ordinate and represent the Links Estate’s interests in matters affecting our community and we really do need your support.  As always LERA needs new committee members – and a new Chairman! – so, if you would like to get involved, or know of anyone who would like to help even in a small way, please get in touch.

Copies of the Agenda and the Accounts will be available at the meeting.  Please let me know if you would like a copy in advance. I do hope you can come along to our AGM.  You may be assured of a very warm welcome.  Light refreshments will be available after the meeting.

Peter Skipp, Chairman

81 New Street Hill, Bromley, BR1 5BA
Tel: 020 8857 0300 email:

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