This will be Peter Skipp's last AGM as Chairman. He has decided to stand down after serving for two terms and a total of six years. He thanks all the members of the Committee and our Street representatives for their help and support and good company all of which he has really appreciated.
It is very important that we maintain a strong Residents’ Association to co-ordinate and represent the Links Estate’s interests in matters affecting our community and we really do need your support. As always LERA needs new committee members – and a new Chairman! – so, if you would like to get involved, or know of anyone who would like to help even in a small way, please get in touch.
Breaking News - there is a candidate for the position of Chair so please make every effort to attend the meeting where you can meet the candidate and cast your votes for the various LERA officer posts.
Copies of the Agenda and the Accounts will be available at the meeting.
We do hope you can come along to our AGM. You may be assured of a very warm welcome even if you are not currently a member of LERA. Light refreshments will be available after the meeting.
It was a good meeting - good discussions with Council street manager, local Councillor and local Police team. And long live The Glades (intu the bin !).